quarta-feira, março 31, 2004
domingo, março 28, 2004
sábado, março 20, 2004
domingo, março 14, 2004
New Song

sábado, março 13, 2004
domingo, março 07, 2004
Há tantos a fazer... à Sombra, à Respública, à Formiga, aO Livro Morreu (outro "Soundclicker"), pelas referências mais recentes (estou-me a esquecer de alguém?)... Já para não falar em todos os que comentam e, claro, nos leitores e ouvintes (tenho "ouvintes", "público", isto soa tão esquisito...). A todos, muito obrigado. Eu não sabia que era capaz de organizar sons de forma a agradar a outras pessoas. Vou continuar a fazê-lo (a organizar sons e a partilhá-los, não necessariamente a fazer coisas agradáveis de ouvir), embora com interrupções. O trabalho avoluma-se, o sintetizador deverá apanhar algum pó...
sexta-feira, março 05, 2004
quinta-feira, março 04, 2004

Numa Fnac encontrei um álbum de um outro grupo Felt, de 1971, que não tem nada a ver com os Felt de Lawrence, não se deixem levar.
Recordo com saudade o álbum "Let The Snakes Crinkle Their Heads To Death", que à primeira vista pareceu uma "banhada", pois as músicas tinham todas 1 ou dois minutos e o álbum era assim muito mais curto do que eu pensava (apenas vi que tinha 10 músicas, como a maioria dos LPs. Se tivesse tido mais cuidado, teria reparado na duração das músicas, que estava bem visível). Mas não, para mim acabou por ser dos melhores álbuns deles. Em menos de 20 minutos, a quantidades de ideias interessantes que ali apareciam era prodigiosa, dariam facilmente para dois ou 3 álbuns "normais". Eles é que não os quiseram fazer. Nunca mais o ouvi, não tenho leitor de LPs...
segunda-feira, março 01, 2004
Esta música dos Divine Comedy é verdadeiramente fabulosa. Nunca consigo ouvi-la apenas uma vez, tenho sempre de repetir. Causa-me arrepios na espinha. Ah, se eu fosse capaz de fazer músicas que arrepiassem a espinha...
If you were the road
I'd go all the way
If you were the night
I'd sleep in the day
If you were the day
I'd cry in the night
'Cause you are the way
The truth and the light
If you were a tree
I could put my arms around you
And you could not complain
If you were a tree
I could carve my name into your side
And you would not cry,
'Cos trees don't cry
If you were a man
I would still love you
If you were a drink
I'd drink my fill of you
If you were attacked
I would kill for you
If your name was Jack
I'd change mine to Jill for you
If you were a horse
I'd clean the crap out of your stable
And never once complain
If you were a horse
I could ride you through the fields at dawn
Through the day until the day was gone
I could sing about you in my songs
As we rode away into the setting sun
If you were my little girl
I would find it hard to let you go
If you were my sister
I would find it doubly so
If you were a dog
I'd feed you scraps from off the table
Though my wife complains
If you were my dog
I am sure you'd like it better
Then you'd be my loyal four legged friend
You'd never have to think again
And we could be together till the end
Divine Comedy, "If...", Album "A short album about love", 1997
If you were the road
I'd go all the way
If you were the night
I'd sleep in the day
If you were the day
I'd cry in the night
'Cause you are the way
The truth and the light
If you were a tree
I could put my arms around you
And you could not complain
If you were a tree
I could carve my name into your side
And you would not cry,
'Cos trees don't cry
If you were a man
I would still love you
If you were a drink
I'd drink my fill of you
If you were attacked
I would kill for you
If your name was Jack
I'd change mine to Jill for you
If you were a horse
I'd clean the crap out of your stable
And never once complain
If you were a horse
I could ride you through the fields at dawn
Through the day until the day was gone
I could sing about you in my songs
As we rode away into the setting sun
If you were my little girl
I would find it hard to let you go
If you were my sister
I would find it doubly so
If you were a dog
I'd feed you scraps from off the table
Though my wife complains
If you were my dog
I am sure you'd like it better
Then you'd be my loyal four legged friend
You'd never have to think again
And we could be together till the end
Divine Comedy, "If...", Album "A short album about love", 1997
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