O que pretendo fazer com as músicas que faço ajusta-se aos termos da Open Audio License, da qual saliento esta parte:
EFF's Open Audio License provides a legal tool that borrows from both movements providing freedom and openness to use music and other expressive works in new ways. It allows artists to grant the public permission to copy, distribute, adapt, and publicly perform their works royalty-free as long as credit is given to the creator as the Original Author.
As in the software communities, this license is intended to help foster a community of creators and performers who are free to share and build on each others' work. This also frees their audience to share works that they enjoy with others, all for the purpose of creating a rich and vibrant public commons.
Portanto... usem e criem, se quiserem! De resto, tudo o que fiz está incompleto, em estado bruto. Quantos mais "macacos" houver a experimentar, melhor (não que eu tenha espectativas de serem muitos). Posso fornecer outros ficheiros a quem quiser, mas não garanto disponibilidade de tempo para "support"...
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